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Our store uses the web analytics tool Webtrekk; a web analytics service from Webtrekk GmbH. This tracking software uses cookies which are stored on a user's computer and are used to analyse the visit to the website. The information collected on the website by cookies is used to report on website activities and to perform other related services. Your IP address is unrecognisable and is therefore anonymous. With this software, both for us and the operators of the analysis software, it is not possible to collect personal information and draw conclusions regarding the identity of the user. More information on privacy protection in Webtrekk can be found here:

If you wish to prevent the use of cookies, in the context of web analytics, an anonymous user can be created by taking the following steps: You can prevent the cookies in question by making a simple procedural change in your browser. Use the Help section of your browser and follow the steps as instructed. To block only Webtrekk cookies you can enter details here:


Please note that if cookies cannot be placed, it is possible that some functions of our website are unable to be used.
